Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy
|We will explore relations between sustainable and renewable energy. Agriculture is the sole food provider for human beings. It is the process of growing crops. We sow, water and then cut the crops. So by doing this, we become able to get food. So we can say it is an art. We also use animals and some machinery before sowing seeds. Scientists are working so they can make farming more sustainable. Today we will look at Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy.
So when we do the process of smoothing the ground for cultivation, we use heavy machinery. Those machineries require oil or diesel for running. Sometimes we do it with the help of livestock but mostly use machinery. When we use machines such as tractors, they increase greenhouse gas. We can mitigate this by using renewable energy such as solar energy, biomass, wind, and many others.
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture depends on production. In sustainable agriculture, you invest less and get more quantitative results. Nonrenewable resources are damaging crops by some means. They change minerals and have adverse impacts on water. In agriculture, we use water pumps too for irrigation. So we can say sustainable is the name of solving the production of food. The main objectives of sustainable agriculture are the following.
- Producing more profitable crops.
- Minimizing adverse impacts on safety, wildlife, water quality, and other environmental resources.
- Improving the quality of the food and soil.
- Improve the quality of water and mitigate the usage of nonrenewable resources.
- Promoting stable, prosperous farm families and communities.
Solar panels
Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy. So after that, we use solar inverters to convert that energy into alternating current. The prices of solar panels are fallen so much since they came into being. We can use solar underground water heating, solar greenhouses, and poultry farms. So we can use Hot water for underground heating, cleaning of utensils and bathing applications. Solar based water pumping is now common. So it can also the problem of water scarcity by the installation of solar water pumps. Solar pumping not only produces water but saves energy also. The payback is about three years, and the pump has a life of 15 years. There are many places on this Earth where sunshine reaches well enough. Solar energy can reduce the farm’s electricity and heating bills.
Wind power
We produce wind energy by using wind turbines. So wind turbines kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power in farming, farmers are using wind power to pump water and generate electricity. There are many places where wind turbines have been installed. Small and medium systems up to 200KW can be installed at farms where wind speed is available. State policies are supportive and installing large turbines in the Midwest, Great Plains, and West. So this is providing benefits to common people like farmers. Farmers are using wind energy to pursue their work. Recently, large turbines got installed, they are providing power to electric companies and consumers.
Biomass energy
We get biomass energy from plants and organic wastes such as crops, trees, and crops. As corn is currently the most widely used energy crop. We can convert Crops and biomass wastes into energy. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, $20 billion have been added to farmer’s income because of using biomass energy. It is reducing a million cars off the road because of this. These continuing crops require less maintenance and fewer inputs than do seasonal row crops such as corn, so they are cheaper and more sustainable to produce. Biomass such as sugars and oils from plants can be used to make combustible for transportations, and the burning of biomass for heat or power is simply named Biopower.
Geothermal energy directly controls the natural flow of heat from the ground. The possible energy from the natural disintegration of radioactive elements in the Earth’s crust and blanket is approximately equal to that of incoming solar energy, especially during the day. Alcohol derived from corn, sugar cane, switchgrass, etc. is also a renewable source of energy. Furthermore, oils from plants and seeds can be used as a substitute for non-renewable diesel. Methane is also a renewable source of energy.
Dams are what people most associate when it comes to hydroelectric power. Water flows through the dam’s turbines to produce electricity, known as pumped-storage hydropower. Run-of-river hydropower uses a channel to funnel water through rather than powering it through a dam. Agriculture requires water to grow crops. In some areas, there is a lack of water. Farmers have to wait for rain.