How Do I Know If My Solar Panels Are Working? – Still Up!

Last Updated: January 7, 2023

Solar panels are an investment in your home. They’re not cheap to install, so you want to ensure that they’re working properly and that your investment is paying off. However, once the solar panels have been installed “up there,” how do you know if they’re working?

If you’re considering installing solar panels on your roof, make sure that you get a monitoring device to ensure everything is working properly.

Ways To Check Your Solar Panel Working Properly Or Not

  • Ensure that your utility provider has updated its billing system for solar. Some utilities still charge customers for grid usage based on total usage from the previous month—not just actual usage during the current month.
  • Suppose you have a net metering agreement with your utility. In that case, it should provide you with monthly reports showing how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) were generated and used by your system at any given time during the month. If your system isn’t producing enough power to offset your bill entirely (or even just part of it), that means something went wrong during installation or troubleshooting.
  • Check whether or not your system will even turn on. If the power goes out, does your system come back online when the power returns?
  • Check their output levels. Most systems come with a monitoring device that will tell you how much power has been produced by each panel, so this can be a quick way to see how well your installation is performing.
  • A common issue with solar panels is when the wiring becomes loose or disconnected, or the connection between panels and the controller box gets damaged. The best way to fix this problem is by following the instructions in your instruction manual or calling an electrician who can do it for you.
  • Check their warranties. Solar panels typically have warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years, and if they were installed correctly and are still under warranty, they should be working as they were designed. If not, it’s time to call an electrician or solar contractor for repairs or replacement.
  • Check the inverter that converts DC into AC for your home or business. This device should also come with a warranty, which will give you some idea of how long it should last before needing repairs or replacement.

Things To Know If Your Solar Panels Are Working Or Not

If you need help determining whether your solar panels are functioning as they should, there are a few ways to check. The first step is ensuring there’s electricity from your solar panels. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth checking to ensure the wiring has been intact during installation or maintenance.

Start With Your Solar Meter

Solar Power Meter

If you don’t know if your solar panel is working, you can check this by starting with your solar meter.

A solar energy system measures how much energy is produced by the sun and how much is used by your home. It also measures how much power is being drawn from the grid at any given time. A good, reliable solar energy system will show an even flow of electricity between these two numbers.

If there’s not enough electricity coming from the sun, or if your house is sucking up too much power, you need to repair or replace damaged wiring before continuing with troubleshooting procedures.

Install Mobile App To Monitor Your Solar Panel

Install Mobile App To Monitor Your Solar Panel

If you have solar panels on your roof, you may wonder if they work. Here’s how to tell if your solar panels absorb sunlight and generate power for your home.

Use an app to keep track of your solar power production. If you want to know exactly what’s going on with your solar panels, plenty of apps can help.

  • Energy Monitoring Apps

Energy monitoring apps allow you to keep tabs on your home’s energy usage, so you can see what devices use the most electricity and adjust accordingly. Some of these may even help you track your solar production, but they’re useful for helping you make more environmentally friendly changes around the house.

  • Solar Power Production Apps

Solar power production apps will tell you how much power your panels produce at any given time so that you can ensure everything is working correctly. Some of these also provide information about how much your system should generate over time, which can help ensure that your investment pays off as expected.

Test your batteries with a multimeter

Test your batteries with a multimeter

If you have a battery-based system, you’ll need to test your batteries periodically using a multimeter. This will let you know if they’re still holding a charge or need replacing. If they need replacing, you can use an app like My Solar Friend (iOS) or SunDial (Android) to find out which battery brand best suits your system.

Checking Voltage Output

This will show whether or not your system has enough voltage to power any appliances or devices connected to it. The voltage output should be between 17 and 40 DC (direct current). If it’s not within this range, you may need additional batteries or another power source to supplement your system so it can provide adequate power for all components.

Checking Current Output

This will show whether or not your system has enough current to provide adequate power for any appliances or devices connected to it. The current output should be between 10 amps and 20 amps DC (direct current). If it’s not within this range, you may need additional panels, batteries, or another power source to supplement your system so it can provide adequate power for all components.

What May Cause Solar Panels Not Working?

Solar panels are most effective when they are pointed directly at the sun. If you live in an area where the sun is not directly overhead during the day (or not overhead), it’s important to adjust where your solar panels are pointing at different times. If you don’t adjust them accordingly, they might not be able to produce as much electricity as they would if they were pointed at the sun more directly.

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